Barb's Designs Logo



While using our public web pages you do not have to identify yourself or divulge personal information. We may collect general information from you that does not identify you personally—this may include data such as your domain name, the name of the web page from which you entered our site and which of our web pages you visited and for how long. We aggregate this information to help us better focus on the needs and interests of our visitors and to improve the overall functionality of our website.

This site uses a tracking technology called Google Analytics to obtain site usage information such as users’ Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, Internet domain and host names, browser software, and the date and time that the site is visited. Data obtained through Google Analytics does not include and is not linked to any personal information. Data from Google Analytics allows us to monitor the use of this site, understand how users find our site, and improve the site’s function and content.

Site usage data collected through Google Analytics is not shared with other Google products and tools. Our use of Google Analytics is in compliance with Google’s Terms of Service. Google provides more information about Google’s privacy practices and information on how to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking of your web browsing.


We may occasionally decide to change our privacy statement especially as new features are added to our website. If there are changes to this statement, we will post those changes here so you are aware of what information we collect and how we use it.